Happy New Year to all!

Greetings Sir Knights and Ladies Happy New Year to all!  Was 2014 exciting and a prosperous one for you?  Well 2015 is here and many resolutions have been made and some to be kept!  Let us start with; visitations to commanderies we have not visited regularly, provide interesting programs for our members and ladies, and pick up

Merry Christmas from the Grand Commander

Sir Knights and families the Christmas season is but a few short days away.  In the birth of Jesus it was the beginning and fulfillment of prophecy.  The gifts for baby Jesus are symbols to us that giving of what is pleasant and respectful are to be imitated. Let us therefore use this season to

From the Grand Commander – November 2014

Sir Knights, Let us start with the meaning of thanksgiving according to “Webster Dictionary”: thanksgiving a noun, 1, a formal public expression of thanks to God. 2, an annual U.S. holiday the fourth Thursday of November. How different is the meaning of thanksgiving from 1600 until 2014? The early colonist was thankful that they had

From the Grand Commander – October 2014

Sir Knights, Each new generation of Templar Masonry is offered new challenges in ways to serve its membership. The common thread in solving each challenge is to listen to the needs of the present, and guide our members to a solution. This is best served through MENTORING. Let me ask a question “If we open

From the Grand Commander – Aug 2014

This Templar Year we have been concentrating on three things – communication, membership, and our historical roots. There are other important aspects of Templary which also warrant our attention. Aspects such as quality in our ritual, and increased visibility within the general public and within Masonry. Our Knight Templar theme is Chivalry, Christianity, Templary, a

From the Grand Commander – July 2014

Sir Knights, This month I would like to emphasize a distinguished program that we offer our local communities on an annual basis.  I refer to the Grand Encampment’s Holy Land Pilgrimage Program begun years ago by our own P. Fred Lesley, PGC and which has now spread across the United States.  We offer the opportunity

From the Grand Commander – June 2014

June, 2014 The month of June offers us a chance to catch our breath somewhat after a particularly busy May with the new Officer Installations, and the Schools of Instruction pretty much completed.  Additionally, new Sir Knights were created at various Commanderies around the State evidencing the successful efforts of our newly re-organized Membership Committee.

From the Grand Commander – May 2014

May begins the Annual Commandery Installation Season. Make sure your Commandery has their Installation date and time listed on our website (kt-mi.org). Send the announcement and a copy of your invitation to our Communications Director SK Ryan Groat and he will see that it gets maximum distribution. Also, advise your Battalion Commander and Recorder of

April 2014 – From the Grand Commander

April will be a busy month for Michigan Templars.  Lexington Commandery No. 27 is conferring the Order of the Temple on April 3rd.  See our website (kt-mi.org) for details.  St Bernard Commandery No. 16 is holding a All Order Day on Saturday, April 5th.  Pontiac Commandery No. 2’s Installation is April 5th, while Port Huron’s

From the Grand Commander –

The month of March will be unusually busy for the Sir Knights of Michigan.  We start out Saturday, March 8th at 8:00 AM with the East Central Department Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lansing with a dinner for all Michigan Sir Knights and their Ladies on Friday evening.  Watch the website (www.kt-mi.org) for