From the Grand Commander –

February is a slower month in terms of special Commandery activities.  Time to catch our breath and get ready for the remainder of the Templar year leading to our next Grand Conclave in August in Grand Rapids. Meanwhile, we do have a busy March with the East Central Department Conference in Lansing; our 700th Anniversary

Communication, Membership & the Year of the Templar

January brings to us a new Michigan Commandery year.  The Inspections and Christmas Observances are behind us until the coming Fall.  All 32 Commanderies in the state have been inspected by a Grand Commandery Officer and the results have been returned to you.  We thank the Sir Knights and Ladies of each commandery for the

Happy New Year

Sir Knights and Ladies, The officers and ladies of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Michigan join with my Lady Donna and me in wishing you good health, happiness, and prosperity throughout the New Year! Thank you for your support of Michigan Templary.  We look forward with anticipation to a New Year filled with Templar activities and

Christmas Greetings from the Grand Commander

To the Eminent Grand Prelate, and to all Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery of Michigan: Knightly Greetings! December is here once more and as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, we remember and are thankful for the blessings that He has bestowed on each of us and our loved ones. This

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a very special time of the year for all of us.  It means the gathering of family and friends around the Thanksgiving Dinner Table and the resulting good times and memories to be cherished as we look forward to the Christmas season.  It gives us the opportunity to reflect on the many blessings