Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a very special time of the year for all of us.  It means the gathering of family and friends around the Thanksgiving Dinner Table and the resulting good times and memories to be cherished as we look forward to the Christmas season.  It gives us the opportunity to reflect on the many blessings He has bestowed on us and for giving us the strength every day to do what we must do.

As Grand Commander, I will be giving thanks for the many Templar blessings He has enabled me to be involved with over the last five years.  I will be giving thanks for an outstanding team of Templar leaders to work with to take us forward in membership, working with our Veterans, taking advantage of our ability to instantly communicate with each other for the benefit of all, and the other vital matters carried out regularly by the officers, committeemen and dedicated Sir Knights of Michigan.  We are thankful for all of them, and for the opportunity to make things better both for ourselves, and for generations of Sir Knights to come.  Ours is a work in progress.

The officers and ladies of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Michigan join with my Lady Donna and me in wishing you a blessed, happy, and thankful Thanksgiving.  And may God grant you the health, wisdom, and opportunity to do even more next year.  Happy Thanksgiving!


Howard H. Crumit, Jr., KCT

Grand Commander