Communication, Membership & the Year of the Templar

January brings to us a new Michigan Commandery year.  The Inspections and Christmas Observances are behind us until the coming Fall.  All 32 Commanderies in the state have been inspected by a Grand Commandery Officer and the results have been returned to you.  We thank the Sir Knights and Ladies of each commandery for the effort and the time they put into making each inspection a very special event for your commandery and for the visiting Sir Knights and Ladies who attended to support you.  We welcome all the newly knighted Sir Knights and look forward to their continued attendance and contributions to your future orders and events.  Please review your reports and discuss them with your Sir Knights in preparation for next year’s inspection.  We look forward to the Inspection Season each year and we once again thank you for your time and effort in making them successful.

Remember our three-part theme for this year starting with continuing Communication with your Sir Knights and those of your Battalion and the Grand Officers.  Membership – to include the recruitment of new members from the Blue Lodges and the Royal Arch.  And the Year of the Templar in recognition of the rich heritage of our prestigious order.  Continue to keep our Communications Committee Chairman advised of your upcoming commandery events so our website can reflect them thus encouraging the visitation and participation of your Battalion commanderies and the Grand Officers.  An email to SK Ryan Groat at will get your event posted to our website and to our Facebook page.  You will be surprised at the response.  Both have been very well received and are spreading the word within the State resulting in increased participation and comradery within our Order.

Keep in mind our Awards Program and be sure your commandery makes annual recommendations for our various honors and awards.  Our three philanthropies need your support.  As a result of your generosity we are sending a minister from Michigan to the Holyland in March and look forward to his sharing his experiences with us upon his return.

An Easter trip has been planned to participate in the Grand Encampment Banquet, Sunrise Service at the George Washington Memorial in Alexandria, and the Michigan Grand Commandery Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery in the early afternoon on Easter Sunday.  See this link for the details and we look forward to you joining us.  Get your reservations in early.

The officers of the Grand Commandery of Michigan wish for you every success on whatever your New Year’s resolutions may be for 2014!


Howard H. Crumit, Jr., KCT

Grand Commander