From the Grand Commander –

February is a slower month in terms of special Commandery activities.  Time to catch our breath and get ready for the remainder of the Templar year leading to our next Grand Conclave in August in Grand Rapids.

Meanwhile, we do have a busy March with the East Central Department Conference in Lansing; our 700th Anniversary Observance of the Martyrdom of Jacques DeMolay in Detroit; an All-Order Day in Battle Creek; and the Grand Captain General’s Workshop in Lansing.

Now is a good time to review our year-to-date accomplishments and to set our plans for the remainder of the Templar Year to include continuing communication with and attendance at our Royal Arch Chapters to see how we can be helpful, and to be ready to offer a KT petition to those who are ready to join our ranks.

Also a good time to personally contact Sir Knights of our Commandery who we have not seen lately to ask how they are doing, and to invite them to any upcoming activities.  Keeping in regular contact is the best way to encourage attendance, which leads to improved participation, and a stronger Commandery overall.  Commanders should appoint a Committee of four or five Sir Knights to follow up annually at a minimum with all the Sir Knights of your Commandery and report back at a Regular Conclave the results of their contacts with an update as to how the members of your Commandery are doing.  And at the same time, extending an invitation to them to come out to a meeting or special event.  Personal contact means a lot and is very effective.  Try it.

Plans for the Easter Trip to Arlington are well under way as you can see from the accompanying article.  Let me extend a personal invitation to each of you to join us for what will prove to be a very moving and memorable experience about which we will talk for years to come.  Don’t miss it.  Make your reservation today!

Be sure to support your Battalion Commandery activities.  You can form carpools, as many already do, to travel to neighboring Commanderies to support their events. You will find that they will reciprocate, thus increasing over-all participation and camaraderie.  Keep the lines of communication flowing between your Battalion’s Commanderies and watch as we grow ever stronger as Knights Templar of Michigan.

My personal best to each of you and I will look for you as I travel around our great state.


Howard H. Crumit, Jr., KCT

Grand Commander