From the Grand Commander –

The month of March will be unusually busy for the Sir Knights of Michigan.  We start out Saturday, March 8th at 8:00 AM with the East Central Department Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lansing with a dinner for all Michigan Sir Knights and their Ladies on Friday evening.  Watch the website ( for time and place.  We have been challenged by the Sir Knights of Indiana and Ohio for the largest attendance, and since it is centrally located in Michigan this year, lets have a large turn-out and win the challenge.  See the Grand Commandery website for the details and reservation forms.  See you there.

On Saturday, March 15th at 4 PM Michigan DeMolay and Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T. with the support of the Grand Lodge of Michigan will present the 1926 version of the DeMolay Degree in the Asylum at the Detroit Masonic Temple.  Ladies and Guests Welcome.  Degree Work at 4 PM and Dinner at 6 PM.  Deadline for reservations is March 7th and can be made by calling the office of Detroit Commandery at (313) 831-6952.

The third Saturday in March will feature an All-Order Day in Battle Creek., and the fourth Saturday we have scheduled the Captain General’s Workshop in Lansing.  See our website for details on both of these events.

Lady Donna and I hope you will be able to join us for the Grand Encampment East Coast Easter Observance 2014

Reservation forms and complete details of the week-end bus trip are on the website.  It will be an event to remember.

Our Battalions are holding meetings and getting organized.  If you would like to help, give your Battalion Commander a call and offer your assistance.  Several Battalions have scheduled meetings and you are welcome to attend.  We can always use your assistance and some need volunteers to fill out their officer line.  Step up and get involved.  We have suggested that each Battalion organize a Drill Team and participate in the Drills at our Annual Conclave at Grand Rapids in August.  This would be in addition to the Teams already in place who have drilled regularly for years.  There is just enough time to get organized and hold practices for a six or twelve man team.  Of course, our Drill Promotion Committee stands ready to assist you.  Contact any of the thirteen Drill Committee members to get started.  Battalion Ritual Teams can be organized also to assist member Commanderys with the Orders.

Commanders and Recorders – don’t forget to provide SK Ryan Groat with information about your upcoming activities such as Knightings, Honor Guards, Dinners, etc. so the details can be posted to our Activities List for Sir Knights around the State to see and plan to attend or participate.  (  Communication is the key.

Goals for this Templar Year include membership stabilization, increased visibility, and effective communication.  I would refer you to the Long Range Planning Report published in the 2013 Proceedings for additional initiatives for this year.

All the best to you and yours as our long winter draws to a close and Spring is here once more.  Carpe Diem!



Howard H. Crumit, Jr., KCT

Grand Commander