April 2014 – From the Grand Commander

April will be a busy month for Michigan Templars.  Lexington Commandery No. 27 is conferring the Order of the Temple on April 3rd.  See our website (kt-mi.org) for details.  St Bernard Commandery No. 16 is holding a All Order Day on Saturday, April 5th.  Pontiac Commandery No. 2’s Installation is April 5th, while Port Huron’s is April 12th and Detroit’s on April 25th.   April 20th is Easter Sunday with a march up Shooter’s Hill followed by a wreath laying in Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknowns, and a recognition of Michigan Veterans at rest in Arlington Cemetery, and of course the Easter Observances at Battle Creek, Port Huron, and Grand Rapids.  We hope to see large turnouts among our Sir Knights for all of these opportunities to support Knight Templar of Michigan gatherings.  See our website for details as to how you can attend and participate.

I was invited to attend the Caro Chapter’s 94th Annual George Washington Dinner this year and was privileged to receive an Honorary Membership.  A fine occasion, and a good demonstration of York Rite Unity here within Michigan.

Recently I was privileged to receive an invitation to the founding meeting of the Romeo Commandery No. 6, K.T. Past Commanders’ Association.  Several Past Commanders of Romeo were in attendance, and they reviewed and approved a set of By-Laws and set the date for their next meeting.  Past Commander’s Associations are  important since they are the Sir Knights within each Commandery with experience and they as a group can be helpful in providing advice and assistance to the current officers in helping them as they plan and work their way through their year’s calendar of activities.  If your Commandery does not currently have a Past Commander’s Association, I would encourage you to take the lead, contact your Past Commanders, have a meeting, draw up a set of By-Laws, and take a more active role in supporting your Commandery.  My congratulations to the Past Commanders of Romeo Commandery for their initiative.

     Remember to support your Battalion’s Commanderies, and whenever you have an upcoming meeting or event, advise our Communications Chairman Ryan Groat at Ryan@NorthvileMasonic.com so the information can be posted to our website, and check it regularly (kt-mi.org) to keep up on current Knight Templar activities around the State.

Remember also our goals for the year, which are Membership Stabilization, effective and continuous Communication, and increased Participation and Comradery among the Sir Knights of Michigan.

On behalf of the Grand Officers of Michigan, all the best to you and yours and we look forward to seeing you at a Commandery event soon.


Howard H. Crumit, Jr., KCT

Grand Commander